We are a non-denominational, full gospel church whose doors are open to whosoever will come.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written by God Himself while using the instrumentality of man.
We believe in water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38 and the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
We have no law but love; no book but the Bible; no creed but Christ.
Our mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to preach the truth of God’s Word, as restored back by the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6; William Marrion Branham to bring the Bride of Christ into union with Christ.
We pray that God will restore you in body, spirit, and soul as you fellowship with us around His Word.
May God bless you as you seek more of Him.
If you have a hunger for God, there's a God out there to satisfy that hunger.
Deep Calleth Unto the Deep
"Deep calling to the deep: if the deep’s calling, there’s a deep to respond. In other words, before there was a tree to grow on the earth, there had to be an earth to grow in first. God never made the tree for the earth, He made the earth for the tree. He made the earth and commanded the earth to bring forth a tree. And the earth was calling, till the tree come forth. Before there was a fin on a fish’s back, there was no water for him to swim in. The reason he’s got a fin, is because there was water for him to swim in to use it. Everything that we have is for a purpose, and for a cause." - Rev. William Marrion Branham, 54-0624